Graduate Certificate in Asset Management

Graduate Certificate in Asset Management

Our Course Offering
intensive short course delivery
The IQ-AM Graduate Certificate in Asset Management is a post-graduate competency based qualification. It is designed to provide middle management and senior professionals with the skills and knowledge to participate in, and lead, practical planning and implementation of asset management for assets within their area of responsibility. Advanced insight in to sound asset management practice encourages participants to adopt an appropriate asset management framework or system aligned to the ISO 55001 Asset Management System (AMS) Standard.
Upcoming Course Dates
~ Dates indicated may be subject to change and will be determined by participant numbers
Online delivery is structured in regular, shorter sessions.
Each session is comprised of 2 half days.
COHORT 25C-03-O 4 places remaining
- Block 1 - 31 March and 1 April 2025
- Block 2 - 5 and 6 May 2025
- Block 3 - 2 and 3 June 2025
- Block 4 - 7 and 8 July 2025
- Block 5 - 4 and 5 August 2025
- Block 6 - 8 and 9 September 2025
Online Presentation Date - 6.1 - 17 July 2025
- 7.1 - 17 July 2025
- 8.1 - 19 September 2025
Future Delivery Dates
To discuss the availability of enrolment dates scheduled after the current course intake please contact us
Enrolments open
Early Bird offer
- Save $900 on course fees - Enroll prior to May 2025. *Subject to eligibility, availability and a paid deposit. No further discounts apply.
Open to all eligible students. Corporate and public enrolments.
Enrolments close June 16 2025.
Delivery Dates
- Workshop 1 - 21, 22 and 23 July 2025
- Q and A - Live Online Session. 24 September 2025
- Workshop 2 - 17, 18 and 19 November 2025
Includes presentations. - Q and A - Live Online Session. 3 February 2026
Includes presentations.
In person delivery is structured over the 2 workshops. Each workshop is comprised of 3 full days.
Our Q and A group sessions are a great way to get additional mentoring, refresh and discuss any areas to further help meet your assessment requirements. (Of course you can always contact us at any time!)
Enquire now
Course Objectives
Provide participants with the skills and knowledge to implement and apply Asset Management to managing assets in an asset dependant organisation. All IQ-AM courses focus as much on the why you do things as much as the how.
The course consists of 5 Units of Competency
NAT10977001 Manage Asset Data and Knowledge
NAT10977002 Manage Risk and Performance of Assets
NAT10977003 Develop and Implement Asset Management Plans
NAT10977004 Formulate a Business Case for Expenditure Programs
NAT10977005 Prepare Operational and Capital Plans
The 14 modules cover topics providing participants with the skills, knowledge and understanding of:
Preparing the Asset Inventory – technical and financial elements
Current asset capability and performance
Prepare and present a State of the Assets report
Determine required and future levels of service
Manage the asset life cycle
Prepare and present a State of the Assets report
The course is available to participants who can demonstrate an aptitude to complete the course and have any of administrative, technical or trade backgrounds or obtained a Bachelor (AQF Level 7) qualification. Greatest benefit is gained by participants if they have sufficient relevant work experience in an Asset Management related field and currently employed in a role available to implement learning.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Participants undertake workplace based assessment tasks to develop and demonstrate competencies required to successfully complete the qualification. Potentially, evidence of your previous experience can be submitted for recognition of prior learning (RPL) if the outputs of that experience correspond to the specific Assessment Task requirements.
Costs and Inclusions
The cost for the qualification is inclusive of all course materials, delivery (both in person and online), guidance and assessment marking.
Please contact us to ask for a quote and discuss your specific requirements.
The Value Paradigm
For Individuals
A proven goverment accredited and recognised qualification you can carry in to any asset management role in any industry. Being competency based it is evidence of both your knowledge of asset management and your skill in applying it.

For Organisations
Not only do organisations improve their capability in asset management, the assessment tasks require participants to produce outputs that are needed to assist the organisation to effectively manage their assets at a tactical level. Where an organisation sends multiple participants who then work in teams, major change management outcomes can be achieved. Some participants have identified and implemented major efficiency and effectiveness improvements for their organisations as a result of undertaking the course.

For Industry
Formal recognition of knowledge and skills is of fundamental benefit to the whole Asset Management community. The breadth and depth of understanding and skill demonstrated and applied by IQ-AM graduates means the general practice of asset management as a whole increases due to the change agent effect of them applying their competency in the workplace.

What Our Students Say

It opened my eyes to both the depth required and the impact of a good asset management system.
V. Simon
Graduate Certificate in Asset Management

Tom’s knowledge and ability to bring concepts to life
Mary Irwin-Davies
Graduate Certificate in Asset Management